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2012.082018.11    东莞理工学院,电工程与智能化学院讲师

2018.12-至今      东莞理工学院,新葡萄8883官网AMG,副教授




Ø 依托现代产业学院的“自动控制原理”案例式教学改革实践,广东省高等教育教学研究和改革项目,20232025

Ø “新工科”背景下《自动控制原理》课程教学改革的研究与实践, 校级质量工程项目, 20182019




Ø 光伏电站发电功率短期预测模型关键技术研究(2016A030313134), 广东省自然科学基金, 10, 2016.06

Ø 分布式光伏发电系统输出功率超短期预测关键技术研究(2014KQNCX221), 广东省高等学校“创新强校工程”创新项目, 10, 2015

Ø 基于微气象环境的东莞市分布式光伏发电数字能源网络关键技术研究(2013108101007), 东莞市社会科技发展项目, 15, 2014.09


Ø 姜鸣 , "A Novel Field-Oriented Control Algorithm for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors in 60° Coordinate Systems", Actuators, 12(92), 2023

Ø 姜鸣 , "The Field-Orientated-Control Algorithm for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor in 60° coordinate system", 2021 24th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 2021

Ø 姜鸣 , "Robust adaptive filter with lncosh cost", Signal Processing, 168(2020): 107348, 2020

Ø 姜鸣 , "Hammerstein Subband Spline Adaptive Filter for Nonlinear System Identification", 2018 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications, 2019

Ø 姜鸣 , "三相八开关的两级式T型光伏并网逆变器研究", 太阳能学报, 40(5): 1253-1256, 2019

Ø 姜鸣 , "A Flicker-Free High Power Factor Isolated LED Driver", 2018 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2018

Ø 姜鸣 , "调度侧风电功率预测系统设计与应用", 电网与清洁能源, 33(5):79-82, 2017

Ø 姜鸣 , "一种基于聚类分析的自适应步态检测方法", 郑州大学学报(工学版), 38(3):62-66, 2017

Ø 姜鸣 , "单载波调制的T型并网逆变器数字控制研究", 电力电子技术, 51(1):27-28, 48, 2017

Ø 姜鸣 , "Online Data Segmentation Based on Clustering Algorithm and Autoregressive Model for Human Actions Recognition", 2017 International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, 1-5, 2017

Ø 姜鸣 , "Positive-Unlabeled Learning for Pupylation Sites Prediction", BioMed Research International, 2016:page 5, 2016

Ø 姜鸣 , "基于惯性测量器件的无线步态分析平台", 大连理工大学学报, 56(5):518-524, 2016

Ø 姜鸣 , "Sliding Mode and Feedback Linearization Control of Three-Phase Voltage Source PWM Converter", Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, 8666-8670, 2016

Ø 姜鸣 , "High-Performance Three-Phase High-Power Three-Level Rectifier Using DSP-Based Digital Control Technique", 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2783-2786, 2016

Ø 姜鸣 , "Nonlinear Control of Three-Phase Voltage Source PWM Converter", 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC2016), :6183-6186, 2016

Ø 姜鸣 , "Transformerless Three-Phase T-Type Three-Level Inverter For Medium-Power Photovoltaic Systems", 2016 International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 1592-1595, 2016

Ø 姜鸣 , "超级电容等效电路模型参数辨识算法比较研究", 电气应用, 34(15):80-5, 2015,

Ø 姜鸣 , "Quantitative assessment of dual gait analysis based on inertial sensors with body sensor network", Sensor Review, 33(1):48-56, 2014

Ø 姜鸣 , "基于EPEASINS大失准角非线性初始对准方法", 大连理工大学学报, 52(5):736-742, 2012,

Ø 姜鸣 , "Performance prediction of supercapacitor energy storage system based on characteristic parameter identification", IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, ITEC Asia-Pacific 2014 - Conference Proceedings, 1-3, 2014

Ø 姜鸣 , "基于BSNCHMMs的人体日常动作识别方法研究", 大连理工大学学报, 53(1):121-126, 2013

Ø 姜鸣 , "Relearning Probability Neural Network for Monitoring Human Behaviors by Using Wireless Sensor Networks ", Advances in Neural Networks, ISNN 2013 - 10th International Symposium on Neural Networks, Proceedings, :473-480, 2013

Ø 姜鸣 , "An incremental learning method based on probabilistic neural networks and adjustable fuzzy clustering for human activity recognition by using wearable sensors", IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 16(4):691-699, 2012


Ø 东莞理工学院20212022学年优秀班主任,东莞理工学院,2022

Ø 东莞理工学院优秀共产党员,东莞理工学院,2020

Ø 东莞理工学院2018-2019学年优秀教师,东莞理工学院,2019

Ø 广东省第四届高校(本科)青年教师教学大赛等奖,广东省教育厅2018

Ø 东莞理工学院2017-2018学年优秀教师,东莞理工学院,2018

Ø 东莞理工学院2016-2017学年优秀教师,东莞理工学院,2017

Ø “千百十人才培养工程”校级培养对象,广东省教育厅2014

